Sunday, April 28, 2013

Poster for a Cause Assignment

Here's what I came up with for a poster design. This poster is for a factious event being held to determine if you in fact could be a time traveler.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Color Assignment

For this assignment we were to create a color wheel, design 3 scales and take the Online Hue Test. Below are the results.

Color Wheel
Color Strips
Red to white
Red to Green
Yellow to Purple
Online Hue Test Results


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shape and Volume

Rectilinear example
I used this cityscape that I took for the Empire State Building to represent rectilinear shapes. Most of the image is formed by straight lines.
Curvilinear Example
The image creates circular motion.
Naturalistic Example
This painting shows natural elements that would actually be found in nature in the correct proportions.
Idealistic Example 
This statue comes from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It appears larger than life.
Abstract Example
I like this image as an example of abstract art. The color and depth create an interesting design that does not represent anything in the natural world.

Non Objective Example
This work is a good example of non objective art. It does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rhythm Assignment

For this assignment I picked Touch for the sense to try and represent. The key words I used were Hot, Cold, Sharpe and Rough. Here is the image I come up with:

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I chose this image, I liked the way the colors repeated, guiding the eye through the rest of the image. This is an example of an alternating rhythm that starts in the lower left corner with the circle, then bouncing the eye up thru the stone shapes on the left , then sliding down the middle vertical lines to the bottom again, then back up the corresponding shapes on the right to the top. At least that's how it worked for me!
This image has alternating light and dark rhythms that are slightly varied creating a flow that draws you to the center element.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Scale and Proportion

I chose to make my collage with some images I had from Lake Placid, NY, home of the Winter Olympic Games in 1932 and 1980 . Here's what I got!
 The original size can be seen here: Collage.html

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Emphasis and Focal Point

Emphasis and Focal Point
by Edward Scholl - Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 8:19 AM

I chose this image to show emphasis and focal point. The picture captures the eye and takes you right down the street to the focal point.

You must find and post at least one image that represents each of these ideals:

  • Contrast
  • Isolation
  • Placement
  • One element
  • Absence of focal point

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week 2 Assignment

You must find and post at least one image that represents each of these ideals:

  • Proximity
  • Repetition (emphasis on similarity)
  • Repetition (emphasis on variety)
  • Continuation
  • The grid as organizing factor
  • An example of a chaotic, unreadable image
  • An example of a non-objective expression of unity
  • An example of a figurative expression of unity
I like the way the bottles lined up and your eyes just flow from bottle to bottle.

Repetition (emphasis on similarity):
A good example of the Grid Layout
Repetition (emphasis on variety)
Another example of the Grid

I think this is an example of Continuation!
An example of a chaotic, unreadable image
This seems Chaotic to me
An example of a non-objective expression of unity

An example of a figurative expression of unity
I found this image that I thought was a good example of the grid.
The unity of the color and how it flows together captured my eye as well

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Ideal 2D Design

My ideal 2D design is a design that captures the eye as well as the mind in the message that is being delivered.